Accessible Design (ADA) Services & Contractors in Madison, WI
Accessible design has been a growing trend and can be part of any remodeling project. Starting with ADA design to accommodate physical limitations, accessible design has continued to grow and even accelerate with the aging of the baby boom generation.
Baby Boomers want ADA Design
Aging in Place is a type of remodeling allowing people to stay in their homes as they age and their physical abilities slowly diminish.
An article in The Journal of Housing for the Elderly states, “aging in Place is not having to move from one’s present residence to secure necessary support services in response to changing needs. Aging in Place has grown in popularity and is celebrated by the National Aging in Place Week and the National Aging in Place Council that promotes the positive outcomes of seniors having a choice in their care and living arrangements”.
The design and build process Westring Construction, LLC uses perfectly aligns with creating and building the best possible environment to support the Aging in Place strategy in Madison, WI.

Tips for ADA Design Remodeling
Entry Ways
The entryway to your home is your connection to the rest of the world. It is important for receiving guests, bringing in groceries, getting to appointments, and getting out to social events. It should be safe and convenient no matter the weather, day or night, or your condition.
Barrier-free entryways make it easier for a family member or friend who uses a wheelchair or an individual on crutches because they’ve broken a leg or twisted an ankle to access your home.
Kitchen Ideas
If you love to cook but find it difficult to bend over, or if you have a height limitation, there are numerous steps you can take to modify your kitchen to make it more “user-friendly”, such as:
Providing a desk/work area with knee clearance
Ensuring there’s ample maneuvering space
Installing a sink with knee clearance
Installing a raised dishwasher
Lowering a cooking surface
Mounting a wall oven or microwave at reachable heights
Make sure storage space is abundant within reach
Bedroom Ideas
Building a walk-in closet with storage at different heights
Ensuring there’s ample maneuvering clearance
Bathroom Ideas
Build a roll-in shower with multiple shower heads (height adjustable handheld showerhead and fixed)
Lowering the bathroom sink and making sure there’s proper knee clearance
Installing an elevated toilet
Installing rocker light switches that are easier to turn on
Installing grab bars
One way to reduce home accidents is to ensure you have proper lighting where you need it. Outdoor areas, stairways, the kitchen area, the living room, and other places you like to read are just a few examples of lighting often needed.
Use rocker-type light switches wherever possible. You can turn them on and off with the touch of an elbow if your hands are full.
Well-placed skylights and ceiling lights are an example of the type of lighting you should consider adding to your home.
If you maintain a flower or vegetable garden in your backyard, you may want to consider raising your beds at some point. Raising your beds can help reduce fatigue and stress on your back. You may also consider adding a ramp to your home, as stairs can become more challenging to navigate.